When canned tuna is eaten
nCanned tuna was consumed on 707 million occasions in the past year, 1% less than in the previous year
n50% of all canned tuna eaten in the home is for lunch
nAlmost a third of canned tuna is consumed for health reasons Health is the biggest driver for eating canned tuna Overall, 45 to 64-year-olds consume the largest amount of canned tuna (35%), mainly because this is the biggest age group in the population. In fact, 25 to 34-year-olds are more likely to eat tuna, compared with overall food intake.
Females aged 17-24 and 65+ are showing the greatest growth in canned tuna consumption - 11.4% and 11.8% respectively. Almost a third of canned tuna is consumed for health reasons.
Canned tuna is 40% more likely than total foods to be eaten because it is practical and easy to prepare. In the home, 37% of meals with canned tuna are prepared in less than 10 minutes, and 67% in less than 20 minutes.
Some 84% of all canned tuna at home is eaten cold, 50% of this at lunch. Across all meals (in-home and lunchbox), 67% feature bread or rolls and 8.6% a baked potato.
Scott Barlow, TNS
n TNS stresses that Consumer Insight in the July 2 issue of The Grocer (p53) related only to cold beef eaten as leftovers.
Produced for The Grocer by TNS.
Year to November 2004. For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: Peas
