
Focus On: Beauty, Sun & Holiday by Beth Gault

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Publishing: 6 April

Advertising deadline: 22 March

Submissions deadline: 15 March

The Story

Who says it takes money to look a million dollars? Brits love a bargain, and that’s especially true when it comes to beauty. Over the past year, value sales of beauty and suncare products in bargain stores have shot up over 14%, while Aldi has registered an increase of 8%. That’s partly down to concerted efforts to create their own bargain make-up ranges (copycat products always generate a particular buzz) and also consumers are also hunting around for the best prices for their favourite brands. So what is selling at the bargain end? Where does that leave the supermarkets and the likes of Boots? Is there anything they can offer that bargain stores can’t?

Key themes:

Brands: It’s not all about own label – in fact, brands are striding ahead with 3.3% value growth. The bargain stores are at an advantage here by offering brands at cheaper prices than their rivals. To what extent are brands drawing in punters? Which brands are doing best in this environment? Are certain brands doing better in higher-end settings?

Bargain own label: It’s not just bargain stores that are bringing in bargain-hunters. Some exclusive ranges racked up eye-watering growth last year. So which cheaper own label ranges are winning? What is the best strategy – to what extent does it work to copy higher-end brands?

Social media: To what extent is the rise of bargain stores being fuelled by YouTube stars and bloggers showing how to look good on a budget? Retailers are also getting in on the act with their own content and video tutorials.

Advice: One thing the bargain stores rarely offer is advice. Now Sainsbury’s is employing dedicated beauty advisors in its revamped aisles, and the likes of Boots make a point of the skills of their advisors. Can this tempt shoppers away from cheaper outlets? Sainsbury’s has also invested heavily in the look and feel of its beauty aisles. To what extent does that influence consumers?

Kantar data: Using Kantar commentary, we explain the reasons behind the rise and fall of beauty, suncare and holiday sales.

Nielsen data: Using Nielsen commentary, we explain the reasons behind the rise and fall of the top 10 brands.

Innovations:  We identify four new products that ideally have not appeared in The Grocer before. including launch date, image and RSP.

Online Listicle to go live on 1 March: What are the main innovations & how are they shaping the market
