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Thai skipjack tuna prices have risen due to poor catches in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). Supply in Ecuador was reduced by the recent earthquake in its main tuna processing region, Manta.

Prices for Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna have also increased due to reduced catches and poor stock assessments, with Indian Ocean Tuna Commission under pressure to reduce the total allowable catch by 20% by the end of May.

Norwegian cod prices have increased on the back of strong export demand. Norwegian fresh whole cod exports increased 27% year on year in Q1 of 2016 to 25,600 tonnes.

Norwegian salmon prices eased in April, but remain 55.9% up year on year. The outbreak of harmful algal bloom in Chilean waters continues to put pressure on global supplies and thus prices.

UK whiting prices have fallen due to good catches south of the Faroes.