Tesco has embarked on the second phase of its crisis management plan by informing customers – through press ads, online, social and digital media – of the results of its investigations into the horse meat scandal.

Headed: ‘What we found. And what we’re doing,” the statements inform the public that its frozen burger supplier had used meat in Tesco’s products that did not come from the list of approved suppliers given to it by the retailer. It adds that the meat was from neither the UK nor Ireland, despite Tesco’s strict instructions that it should only use meat from those two countries.

“This supplier will no longer supply any products to any of our stores,” it states.

Tesco does not name the supplier in this morning’s statements, but yesterday, publicly stated it is Silvercrest Foods – a subsidiary of ABP Food Group. Tesco has said it will continue to source fresh beef from ABP.

It repeated its pledge – made in a media statement issued yesterday – that it would introduce a “comprehensive system of DNA testing across our meat products”, which would set a “new standard for all supermarkets”.