All Fraud articles – Page 4

  • News

    Eastenders depots in HMRC dawn raids


    Eastenders Cash & Carry has shut all six of its depots following police and HMRC dawn raids last week. One eyewitness told The Grocer how officers surrounded and stormed Eastenders’ Birmingham depot at 7am last Tuesday.


    Extra funding given to fight tax evasion


    The FWD has welcomed an announcement in the Comprehensive Spending Review that HMRC will receive a £900m cash injection to help it fight tax evasion, including alcohol duty fraud. By giving HMRC more funding the government said it hoped…

    Comment & Opinion

    Lucky dip or double dip


    For politicos, pundits and number crunchers, yesterday’s Comprehensive Spending Review was a dream.


    HMRC cuts ‘will hand millions to fraudsters’


    The government risks ­creating a duty fraudsters’ paradise if it scales back HM Revenue & Customs, the FWD has warned.

  • News

    Beer doesn’t need duty stamps, claim brewers


    New figures from HM Revenue & Customs showing beer duty fraud has fallen prove there is no need to put duty stamps on beer, brewers have claimed.

  • News

    FWD leads duty stamp calls despite brewer opposition


    The Federation of Wholesale Distributors has called for the introduction of duty stamps on beer to combat duty fraud, provoking fierce resistance from brewers.

  • News

    Wholesalers face duty fraud raids by Customs


    Customs officers are conducting surprise swoops on wholesaler depots as part of a new offensive in HMRC's war on alcohol duty fraud, The Grocer has learned.The latest crackdown was part of a 'revised alcohol strategy' recently given the...


    BRC warns Whitehall: We need cuts, not taxes


    The British Retail Consortium has called on the coalition government to focus on spending cuts over tax rises, amid fears that retailers could be hit by a rise in VAT. 

  • News

    Industry blasts NICE's 50p/unit pricing plan


    Proposals to introduce a minimum price on alcohol will not solve Britain's binge-drinking culture and could lead to an explosion in duty fraud, industry campaigners have claimed.


    ACS wants Whitehall rethink on duty fraud


    The Association of Convenience Stores is calling for the government to radically rethink its policing of alcohol and tobacco duty fraud.

  • News

    New powers give Customs right to demand duty fines


    A crackdown on duty fraud will force any business caught handling black market tobacco or alcohol to cough up the missing tax.

  • News

    Customs given powers to impose duty fines


    A crackdown on duty fraud will force any business caught handling black market tobacco or alcohol to cough up the missing tax.

  • News

    HMRC decides wholesaler register plan is unfeasible


    Plans to introduce a wholesaler registration scheme to reduce alcohol duty fraud have hit the buffers.The Federation of Wholesale Distributors drew up plans last year to introduce a register of wholesalers that deal with at least 100...


    Cameron and Clegg: You’ve sorted yourselves out, now what about us?


    Many retailers will be happy to see a Tory settling in at Number 10 but, as tax hikes loom, could it be a case of be careful what you wish for, asks Ronan Hegarty

  • News

    We must tackle duty fraud, says AB InBev


    There has been no decline in the amount of duty-avoided beer on the black market in the UK, despite the efforts of campaigning brewers and wholesalers, according to AB InBev.Although Customs had increased its efforts and the FWD had led...

  • News

    FWD urges register to beat booze duty fraud


    Wholesalers wishing to sell alcohol should be registered to help curb duty fraud a problem that is believed to be costing the Exchequer more than £1bn a year in lost revenue.


    Duty fraud results in 40% booze sales loss


    Angry wholesalers are demanding the government takes drastic action to combat duty fraud and have released figures to show the "devastating" impact the worsening problem is having on their businesses.

  • News

    Saturday Essay: We need more action on alcohol duty fraud


    That's why the Federation of Wholesale Distributors is urging HMRC to use its powers to tackle the issue, says James Bielby

  • News

    MacFarlane urges duty fraud action


    Stella boss Stuart MacFarlane has called on the government to crack down on the growing problem of alcohol duty fraud. The UK boss of AB InBev said that although he thought HMRC was under-resourced, it should carry out more raids to seize...

  • News

    How alcohol duty hikes hit the Exchequer


    The last alcohol duty increase cost the government more than £25m in tax revenue on wine alone, The Grocer can reveal. And with duty fraud increasing, it can no longer rely on successive above-inflation duty hikes not to impact on sales and jobs...