All Fraud articles – Page 5

  • News

    How alcohol duty hikes hit the Exchequer


    The last alcohol duty increase cost the government more than £25m in tax revenue on wine alone, The Grocer can reveal. And with duty fraud increasing, it can no longer rely on successive above-inflation duty hikes not to impact on sales and jobs...

  • News

    The £4bn duty fraud scandal


    The Government has announced new plans to crack down on duty fraud on beer. But it has also increased duty on cigarettes and alcohol - a move wholesalers fear will exacerbate the problem. So what can be done to stop the duty fraudsters, asks Peter Cripps

  • News

    Beer duty fraudsters hit cash & carry sales


    Cash & carries have revealed that sales of leading beer brands were down by up to 90% in the run up to Christmas - because of duty fraud.Carling and Foster's were the brands most affected by retailers buying cheap beer from duty fraudsters,...

  • News

    Criminals find new way to avoid duty


    Wholesalers were plagued by a return of widespread duty fraud to the beer market at Christmas as crooks circumvented tougher rules on duty drawback.Several leading wholesalers have revealed that their trade was hit by a rise in the...

  • News

    Wholesalers say... New duty fraud laws are working


    'It's a positive start' Cash & Carry operator?The problem we have in this area is that the people carrying out these duty frauds are organised criminals and will try to find a way around the law or move onto something else,...

  • News

    Wholesalers say... new duty fraud laws are working - Reader Survey


    Source: Email poll of wholesalers Almost three-quarters of wholesalers believe new legislation introduced by the government at the last Budget to curb duty fraud on beer has had a positive effect. However, the rather gloomy news is that 71% are not...

  • News

    Reader survey - alcohol legislation


    Almost three-quarters of wholesalers believe new legislation introduced by the government at the last Budget to curb duty fraud on beer has had a positive effect. However, the rather gloomy news is that 71% are not convinced the positive effects...