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Jenks Sales Brokers
Sword HouseTotteridge Road
High WycombeBucks HP13 6DP
Tel: 01494 442446
Fax: 01494 526663
Key personnel
Managing Director
Bob Keefe
Commercial Directors
Ross Beattie-impulse
Steve Morgan-health and beauty
Patrick Guerin-grocery
Key brands
Benecol Bicks Bio-tex Camp Combe Del Monte Elizabeth Shaw EMVI Fisherman's Friend Frisk Guylian Hermesetas Jordan Kerry Foods Kikkoman Klinge Lanacane Meroso Ocean Spray Popz Prestige Ritter
Think big look local
Relentless streamlining of the food supply chain and increased use of e-commerce by manufacturers and their customers will create a fertile new environment for brokers, according to Bob Keefe, md of Jenks Sales Brokers.
Far from leaving brokers out in the cold, the mounting pressure on suppliers to reduce costs in a vertically integrated food chain will force many to look to outside professionals to service key parts of the trade that they cannot reach or service cost effectively, says Keefe
"Consolidation of supply is a significant opportunity for manufacturers and retailers alike, and if you consolidate supply, then why not relationship management, why not account management, why not category management, why not channel management?"
A division of McCormick & Company Inc, the world leader in spice and herbs who recorded worldwide sales turnover last year in the region of $2.1bn Jenks is in the business of building top performing brands.
Big enough to care about
A vital ingredient in its success which saw Jenks grow the business 25% last year has been a policy of developing category teams who have specialist experience and expertise in their respective markets.
"Building a top performing brand requires a totally committed and dedicated team that can clearly identify and climb the path to the top," says Keefe. "The Jenks approach is to work hand in hand with their principles as an extension of their team. We aim to build collaborative partnerships that energise and empower people to get results."
National sales coverage is provided to multiples, wholesale and cash and carry, convenience, and pharmacy sectors, while the total impulse division, headed by commercial director Ross Beattie, operates in the soft drinks, snacks, confectionery and other impulse categories.
A specialist health and beauty business unit, including Jenks Pharmacy Services, is led by commercial director Steve Morgan. The grocery division, under the leadership of Patrick Guerin, provides total nationwide coverage to all trade channels.
The company's success with global manufacturers is testament to the fact that big brands need brokers.
"Some of the biggest brands in the world were built by brokers so any perceived risk of handing over your crown jewels to a third party is entirely misplaced," says Keefe.
"We simply focus on having people in our business with relevant experience, leading edge training, real understanding of consumer dynamics and the will to succeed. Whether it be driving secondary brands into wider distribution, or taking ownership of the whole process, the numbers have to add up. We can make that work."
A little local difficulty?
Much harder to crack is the move towards regional and local sourcing.
"The challenge for retailers is how genuinely to offer local supply, community appeal and old fashioned corner shop service when everything they do is built on scale," says Keefe.
"More challenging still, how do local suppliers gear up for the new systems, increased volumes and ongoing management needs of such a step up? A third party, with all the systems, personnel and contacts in place is perfectly placed to facilitate that change."
The company also invests heavily in supporting the C&C sector.
"Many of our principals employ us to drive their distribution in to the independent sector," ex-plains Keefe.
"This means we have to focus on pull through mechanics. We have resources dedicated to pulling product through to independent retailers and we work with C&Cs to ensure this happens."
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