Exclusive Tim Palmer, South Africa In a departure from its core business Capespan has launched a healthy food and drink range under its Outspan label. It was unveiled last week in Cape Town and some of the range has already been presented to key buyers around the world. The products are designed to complement the Cape pure fruit juice range which has been on the market for the last eight years. The range consists of Pure Citrus Fruit Juice in 330ml PETs, Natural Iced Rooibos Tea with citrus juice in 330ml cans, and Muesli Bars with Real orange. The three juice styles Orange, Orange and Mandarin, and Tropical will be available in the UK in the autumn. They are being co-packed by Prince's using concentrate from the Cape. The worldwide launch is focused on specific countries and Capespan has targeted its top 20 retail customers around the world. The iced teas and the muesli bars should arrive in the UK next year. The aim of the launch is to double the company's export earnings within two years. Manager of Capespan's processed products division Willem Hanekom said: "It is the first time the Outspan brand has been used in this way and it fits in with the group's philosophy of leveraging its well known brands and its customer and supplier relationships to enhance its international trading. "It also adds value to our South African suppliers by assisting them to export a greater proportion of their crop in the form of processed product." {{P&P }}