Kellogg’s has been banned from adding vitamins to its food brands in Denmark, according to reports.
Danish health officials have banned the addition of vitamins and minerals in Kellogg’s cereal, saying they could have a negative effect on the health of children and pregnant women.

Kellogg’s had planned to enrich 18 breakfast foods and cereal bars with iron, calcium, vitamin B6 and folic acid, as it had done in many other countries.

But Denmark claimed the company wanted to include ‘toxic’ doses which could be more harmful than beneficial to certain people, if eaten regularly.

Denmark, unlike many European countries, does not have recommended daily allowances of nutrients.

Speaking to The Independent, the Food Standards Agency in the UK said: “We are advising people to continue to eat breakfast cereals as part of a healthy balanced diet.

“Our dietary surveys show people’s diets in the United Kingdom, which include fortified breakfast cereals and snacks, are well below the recommended maximum level of vitamins and minerals.”