Ribena has hit gold with a pair of ads designed to help us laugh off life’s awkward moments.

Crucially, both such moments are relatable and funny. One sees a woman pause to adjust her hair in the reflection of a car window – until said window is wound down by the car’s bemused driver. Our gal tries again at an ATM and even in a puddle… to be met, improbably, with the same result.

Meanwhile, a man struggling to reverse park under pressure finds himself facing some judgey cats. He wisely hands over parking duties to one of them, and relaxes with a Ribena as it clumsily finishes the job.

It’s the perfect combo of weird and funny, its simple ‘Chin Up’ slogan reminding viewers not to sweat the small stuff. The cats’ cry of “mate!”, meanwhile, may be memorable enough to spawn a bit of playground repetition.