Name: Ella Mckay

Job title: Fatso numero uno (aka co-creator) 

Company: Fatso 

What was your first job? Waitress/pint puller!

What’s been your worst job interview? The one where I didn’t know it was an interview! I was told I’d as good as got the job, and it was just a chemistry chat. The interviewer launched into really formal interview questions (unlike all previous in the process) and I was completely blindsided.

Totally messed it up, didn’t get the job. But hey, a life lesson: be prepared for anything! 

What was the first music single you bought? I was with the girl power movement from day one. Spice Girls, Wannabe. 

How do you describe your job to your friends? On a mission to prove that dark chocolate can be just as fun, delicious and chunky as milk!  

What is the most rewarding part of your job? Watching people try our chunky choc for the first time and seeing their happy, pleasure-filled reactions. A reassuring reminder that we’re onto something – we might be small, but we are mighty in our mission for dark chocolate!

What is the least rewarding part? When we have a slow sales month, and the anxiety that creeps in… how to keep the lights on?! But hey, these are the turbulent realities of startup life! 

fatso chocolate (3)

Fatso chocolate is available in Harvey Nichols and Liberty in London

What is your motto in life? Live life doing more of the things that matter. This is also the ethos behind Fatso: ‘more matters’. 

If you were allowed one dream perk, what would it be? Lie-ins without losing time.

Do you have any phobias? Butter in sandwiches. Don’t get me wrong, I love butter, but if it’s on the bread of a sandwich… no thank you!

If you could change one thing in grocery, what would it be? A segmentation of how small and emerging brands are reviewed, bought and launched into grocery vs large/powerhouse brands. Small brands can’t achieve the margin expectations without completely compromising their own, they can’t spend thousands on advertising to support the listing, and they won’t meet the same return on sales straight away.

What they do need is bravery and partnership from those who hold a big key to growth for independent brands. And in return, the grocers can be part of a challenger brand success story, and they can enjoy sustainable ROI and win over shoppers (existing and new) by appealing to their curious, conscious, hungry-for-newness nature. 

What luxury would you have on a desert island? A really good bed.

What animal most reflects your personality? I cheated and took an ‘animal in you’ test.

fatso chocolate

Apparently I’m a badger: smallish (true story), patriotic (meh), protective (100%), passionate (absolutely), blunt (sometimes, but can be tactful I think?), aggressive (?! – a little hot-headed, sure).

Maybe we go with penguin: deceptively intelligent and are particularly animated when intellectually challenged.

What’s your favourite film and why? Sound of Music. I probably watched it weekly growing up. Just love to sing along and pretend I’m a Von Trapp kid. 

What has been the most embarrassing moment in your life? I don’t embarrass that easily, though I’ve definitely been in a few car parking pickles in my time. So awkward to hold up traffic which you’re attempting and failing to get in and straighten up.

Which celebrity would you most like to work with and why? Michelle Obama. Her wisdom, empathy and positivity could move mountains.

What would your death row meal be? Frank’s curry (Frank is my step-dad) followed by a knickerbocker glory, complete with every Fatso flavour chunked on top.

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