from Stan Snowdon, Congleton, Cheshire

Sir; Could Duncan Brown’s article in The Grocer, (‘Sick people or sick firms’, April 24, p72), support the case for ageism rather than legislating against it?

My 16-year-old son is taking A Level in Business Studies. Part of the curriculum covers leadership, communication, motivation and team development. He was astounded to read about British Airways CEO, Rod Eddington’s ‘ticking off’ message about absenteeism to employees. The style, content, and delivery method of Eddington’s message to company employees was in direct conflict with the ethos of the A Level curriculum.

My son was even more astounded to read that this management style and lack of leadership is not restricted to British Airways. It seems to be prevalent in industry generally, according to Duncan Brown’s research. However, being a teenager, my son is uplifted. At 16 he knows how to lead an organisation like BA more effectively than someone of Rod Eddington’s age does.