Do they know you're in business?
The major multiples spend millions of pounds on advertising. Shoppers sitting in front of their TV screens will have the advantages' of the superstore rammed down their throats with monotonous regularity. You can't compete on those terms, but you can mount a cost-effective local ad campaign.
A starting point has to be the leaflet drop. This could be a single sheet or a four-pager, but the message must be a positive one.
Distribution to your catchment area could be via local youngsters or your local free-sheet. However, if you do use schoolboys or girls, make sure they are over 14 years of age and stress that you will only pay them for their services when you are satisfied that they have distributed the material. There can be a temptation for youngsters to dump leaflets in the canal!
Remind your potential customers you are there. Tell them you are their neighbourhood store. Inform them of your opening hours and remind them you can supply the emergency, impulse and distress purchase often without the need for them to get into their car.
Why not have a special fun day. Invite the family along. Ask a supplier or two to mount a demonstration stand and make sure there are balloons for the kids and so on. The entire event could be linked to a promotional theme but, remember, it will be counter-productive if what you advertise as cheap' can be purchased cheaper elsewhere.
The object of the exercise must be to cement relationships with existing customers and encourage those who are not using your store to take a fresh look at it.
This tactic is not new. It has worked for many of your contemporaries. It will work for you.
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