Top 15 brands advertised (by media) £k
Jan '00 - Dec '00 Total Press Cinema Radio Outdoor TV Direct Mail
Total 26,547 3,864 95 294 398 21,345 552
1 Principal 3,413 251 0 0 384 2,778 0
2 Whiskas Kitten 2,234 884 0 0 0 1,350 0
3 Sheba 2,139 1,176 0 0 0 963 0
4 Whiskas Singles 2,094 22 0 0 0 2,072 0
5 Cesar 2,049 151 0 0 0 1,869 29
6 Bakers Complete 1,813 0 0 0 0 1,813 0
7 Vital Balance (cat) 1,691 286 0 0 0 1,405 0
8 Butchers Classic (cat) 1,687 467 0 0 14 1,206 0
9 Vital Balance (dog) 1,672 327 0 0 0 1,345 0
10 Principal Complete 1,652 12 0 0 0 1,640 0
11 Chum Puppy 1,541 49 74 0 0 1,417 0
12 Felix Duo Pot 1,318 1 0 0 0 1,317 0
13 Whiskas range 1,286 23 21 57 0 663 523
14 Chum Jumbone Treats 1,161 146 0 237 0 779 0
15 Purina Pro Plan 797 69 0 0 0 728 0
Top 15 advertisers £k
Jan '00-Dec '00 Jan '99-Dec '99
Totals 36,038 33,020
1 Pedigree Masterfoods 22,741 20,095
2 Friskies Petcare 7,563 6,346
3 Ralston Purina Intl UK 2,611 2,336
4 Butchers Pet Care 2,326 3,685
5 Iams 280 247
6 Sainsbury 132 79
7 Wagg Foods 113 4
8 Morrisons 82 33
9 Ralston Purina North Europe 47 1
10 Baileys Horse Feeds 39 29
11 James Wellbeloved 38 91
12 AJM Pet Products 19 21
13 Pero Dog Foods 18 23
14 Mackle J 15 12
15 Skinners Dog Foods 14 19
All petfood advertising (by media) £k
Jan '00-Dec '00 Jan '99-Dec '99
Totals 36,223 33,989
1 Press 6,363 3,058
2 Cinema 95 0
3 Radio 760 231
4 Outdoor 1,807 1,911
5 TV 25,704 27,462
6 Direct Mail 1,494 1,327
Source for all tables and data: AC Nielsen MMS
My favourite petfood ad
Doug McGowan, trading controller, Kraft Foods UK
Whiskas Pouches campaign
"Even although I am allergic to cats, I have to admit to being impressed with the current Whiskas campaign. These feature a rather fat tabby sitting at the dining room table looking smug, or even cross. The photography is stunning, (how many takes' did they need?), the cat looks cute and as if it's in a real-life situation and,unusually for petfood ads, it makes me chuckle."
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