No one believes in jobs for life anymore. As fmcg manufacturers merge and consolidate, the opportunities for talented individuals become increasingly scarce and the working landscape changes beyond recognition. The breadth of skills and experience needed by today's business managers is greater than ever before, as major customers continue to demand more support and more resources. The likely trend is for this consolidation of power and control to gain momentum, so the successful manager needs to be better equipped than ever. Senior managers of the future take control of their careers. According to Philip Hutchinson-May, a consultant with Ashwood Associates, the advice they need can be summed up in just two words: breadth and momentum. Take breadth. "At interview, asking what the car policy is or how much a new role will increase basic salaries are not clever questions to ask," Hutchinson-May said. Finding out how a move will develop skills or what experience there is to be gained from a role are the questions which should be asked. "The market wants rounded business managers with commercial skills to drive future agendas. It is tempting to take the jam today ­ but what about tomorrow?" As for momentum, look around. Successful senior managers keep moving. "It is difficult to get an inert object moving ­ but try stopping Jonah Lomu in full stride," Hutchinson-May said. "Clients demand forward-looking managers with consistent career paths and the potential to go further in their organisation. This cannot be achieved from inside a comfort zone." He added: "Many of Ashwood's clients have ways to retain key personnel. But who is managing your career?" In today's quickening marketplace, it is difficult to keep on top of your career and manage a busy role. But you must take control, using breadth and momentum!" {{PEOPLE MOVES }}