The main meal petfood market value is up by 3.9% year on year, with volume static (52 w/e December 2001). This growth is primarily driven by catfood and its move toward the premium single serve (pouch and alutray) and dry complete product. The impact of the emergence of both sectors at the expense of canned is that catfood buyers are spending more per year, but buying less in volume and shopping the category less frequently as a whole.
Whiskas continues to dominate the single serve market through pouch multipack volume in spite of Felix's recent launch into pouch multipacks and 85g cans, while P&G has launched Iams into the previously underdeveloped dry catfood grocery market to great success.
In comparison to catfood, dogfood is a less innovative market in the UK, with canned accounting for nearly three-quarters of volume sold this year.
The dogfood market performance is relatively stable in both volume and value terms steep decline in canned sales compensated for by the development of both single serve and dry complete sectors.
Cesar, Winalot and own label dominate dogfood alutray, whereas complete dogfood offers such a wide range of brands to the consumer (Pedigree, Winalot, Bakers, Wagg) that it has been relatively easy for Iams to launch and then slowly build a platform from which to compete from in this area.
Snacks and Treats
Aside from main meal petfood, the snacks and treats market continues to grow, both dog and cat ranges showing around 11% (value) on last year. Cat snacks and treats is in its infancy, accounting for only a fifth of spend on the treat sector, but growth is being driven by branded cat milk (Whiskas and Felix), and by Purina, Good Girl and Hartz treats.
Range expansion in the dog treats sector by both Pedigree and Winalot has boosted year on year performance, in addition to the growth of functional treat products in this sector.
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