Red grapefruit now outselling white Marsh Seedless by three to one
Mehadrin, Israel's largest Jaffa citrus grower and exporter, is extending the availability of Sunrise grapefruit until June.
Currently, according to Yoram Weinberg, business development consultant, around half the crop has been exported although it was not possible to quantify the final total which will be shipped to the UK.
"The decision has been made on sound commercial principles," he said. Red grapefruit are now outselling the white Marsh Seedless variety by a ratio of three to one in UK supermarkets.
"This is a major switch in the last decade."
While Israel is one of the major grapefruit suppliers in the winter and spring, its orange and easy peeler growers are also experiencing a stronger market as the shortfall from Spain continues to bite.
Poor weather conditions in Spain are expected to mean that the summer market sourced from South Africa, and a lesser extent South America, will start on a high note according to trade analysts. In fact a fortnight's gap may appear at the end of the month until volumes build up.
The first satsumas which will be marketed by Capespan have already been picked. Total SA exports could be as high as 600,000 cartons and more early fruit will be evident from Zimbabwe.
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