What was your first job? Life-guard and fitness instructor. Give us a quick rundown on your career to date. I started in graphic design and moved to marketing. After completing a two-year marketing project for Goodlife Foods I was offered the position of marketing and product development manager. How did you get to where you are today? By taking every opportunity to gain as much experience as I could. Has your career followed a logical path? My main interest has always been design, and has broadened out to marketing and business planning. What part has luck played in your career? I think you make your own luck. What is the best decision you have made in your career? To launch premium vegetarian brand Goodlife Bistro, which is now available nationwide. What is the most important piece of information you have been told? Believe in yourself because if you don't no-one else will. If you could change one thing in the grocery industry what would it be? More support from retailers for smaller brands trying to break into the retail market. What is the most rewarding part of your job? Being involved at every stage of development right through to product launch. What is the least rewarding part? When a concept you really believe in underperforms at panel or, worse, at launch. If you could start your career again, what would you do differently? I would have relocated earlier to a large city as a lot more opportunities come your way. What advice would you give to someone starting out in the industry? Take the initiative and don't rely on someone else to lead you. What do you like doing when you are not working? I enjoy running and swimming. How many hours do you work every week? On average about 45 hours. Are you good at managing work/life balance? If you enjoy your job the balance comes naturally and the great thing about working in a small organisation is the flexibility. Where do you hope to be in five years time? In an enjoyable, challenging environment with supportive colleagues.
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