Age profile of pepper consumersn Peppers were eaten on 456 million occasions last year, up 2% on the previous year
n Peppers are consumed for health reasons on 41% of occasions
n Most peppers are consumed at the evening meal (70%)
n Nearly half of all peppers are consumed from Monday to WednesdayHealth is the main reason for peppers’ popularityPeppers are more popular with adults than children, with the 25 to 64-year-old age range the most likely to eat peppers.
The 35-44 age group is showing the largest levels of growth, with females in this age group increasing their consumption of peppers by 27% and males 18%.
Consumption of peppers at the evening meal grew 3% in the past year.
The most popular foods with which peppers are likely to be eaten are salad (46%), mushrooms (28%), chicken (25%) and cooking sauces (22%). All of these foods, except salad, are increasingly being consumed with peppers.
Some 7% of cooking sauces are now consumed with peppers. Consumption of cooking sauces with peppers grew 20% in the past year.
Health is the main driver for consumption, accounting for 41% of all occasions. Another key motivator is because they naturally complement food. This reason accounts for 14% of all occasions.
Some 48% of peppers are consumed at the start of the week. Fresh food is more likely to be bought in the main shop on a Friday or Saturday, so fresh vegetable consumption is generally skewed towards the beginning of the week, with intentions to eat healthily coming to the fore. Cath Willis, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS. Year to May 2005.
For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: mince
The 35-44 age group is showing the largest levels of growth, with females in this age group increasing their consumption of peppers by 27% and males 18%.
Consumption of peppers at the evening meal grew 3% in the past year.
The most popular foods with which peppers are likely to be eaten are salad (46%), mushrooms (28%), chicken (25%) and cooking sauces (22%). All of these foods, except salad, are increasingly being consumed with peppers.
Some 7% of cooking sauces are now consumed with peppers. Consumption of cooking sauces with peppers grew 20% in the past year.
Health is the main driver for consumption, accounting for 41% of all occasions. Another key motivator is because they naturally complement food. This reason accounts for 14% of all occasions.
Some 48% of peppers are consumed at the start of the week. Fresh food is more likely to be bought in the main shop on a Friday or Saturday, so fresh vegetable consumption is generally skewed towards the beginning of the week, with intentions to eat healthily coming to the fore. Cath Willis, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS. Year to May 2005.
For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: mince
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