Clive Beddall, Aarhus
Populist resistance against genetically modified foods is "backward-looking, hysterical and reactionary." That's the view of leading Euro politician Bertel Haarder, who is vice chairman of the Liberal Democrats group in the European Parliament.
In Denmark this week he claimed that the tide of opposition against GM foods was "at last turning."
Talking to The Grocer after he had addressed the 100th anniversary banquet for the Danish Lurpak brand, he said: "Make no mistake, a few years from now it will be politically correct to to be in favour of GMOs.
"The introduction of GMOs should not be seen as a problem, but a solution to a number of problems within the environment and the area of solving world hunger."
However, the Euro MP, who stressed that he would continue to campaign for a general acceptance of GMOs, believed that products which included GMO ingredients should be clearly marked to allow consumer choice.
He added: "I always choose the GMO infected' product since it is probably more durable and better adapted to the environment.
"But I believe consumer and political attitudes are changing. Politicians are starting to look at the positive side of the GMO story as they see great opportunities for developing countries in particular."
But as one of Scandinavia's biggest ever gathering of dairy industry executives celebrated Lurpak's centenary, it was the proposed union between Lurpak supplier Arla Foods and New Zealand Milk which dominated discussions.
There was unanimous approval for the deal from farmers and leading Scandinavian agricultural figures have spoken in favour of it.
l See News analysis, p22.
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