Mintel's figures show that impulse sales of gum through kiosks and at till points are high - accounting for two-thirds of gum sales - so it is important that displays make the most of the opportunity for impulse sales. Manufacturers, of course, know the importance of capturing consumers at point of sale, and have produced their own highly targeted display stands.
Wrigley has a tried-and-tested display unit, which merchandises all its products - chewing gum and bubble gum - together. The branded display stand employs solid category management rules, giving most space and top spots to the bestsellers. In recent years, Wrigley has also refined the stand to make it more space efficient and has added a small clip-on unit to the top shelf to create maximium impact for newly launched products. Wrigley says that when positioned by the till, its display stands deliver 25% of an average independent retailer's confectionery countline profit.
For its latest launch of the limited edition Airwaves Spicy Cocktail, Wrigley says the lively orange packaging with green lettering has been designed to stand out at tills. To make the most of the product's four-month selling period, the company has also produced a special counter-top unit containing two outers (60 packs).
Rival Colgate also has its own branded counter-top display unit that merchandises all the products in the range. Given its oral care pedigree, retailers such as Sainsbury have also seized the chance to capture new sales by siting Colgate's gum in the oral care section alongside traditional Colgate products such as toothpaste. This fits well with Colgate's conviction that gum is often seen by consumers as an extension of oral care. Mike Chatters, commercial manager Colgate, says: "Recent research found 42% of people regard gum usage as an extension of oral care hygiene and that 36% of all on the go' oral care is now carried out with gum."
Meanwhile, in bubblegum, Zed Candy creates branded display outers for each of its bubblegum products aimed primarily at independents. Each carton is decorated with different characters designed for youth appeal. Adams also has branded, colourful display outers for each of its bubblegum lines but in addition it has created a multi-flavour countertop display unit that it offers free to retailers. Adams says that independent research has shown that the unit increases the rate of sale by 37% over single outers.
Wrigley has a tried-and-tested display unit, which merchandises all its products - chewing gum and bubble gum - together. The branded display stand employs solid category management rules, giving most space and top spots to the bestsellers. In recent years, Wrigley has also refined the stand to make it more space efficient and has added a small clip-on unit to the top shelf to create maximium impact for newly launched products. Wrigley says that when positioned by the till, its display stands deliver 25% of an average independent retailer's confectionery countline profit.
For its latest launch of the limited edition Airwaves Spicy Cocktail, Wrigley says the lively orange packaging with green lettering has been designed to stand out at tills. To make the most of the product's four-month selling period, the company has also produced a special counter-top unit containing two outers (60 packs).
Rival Colgate also has its own branded counter-top display unit that merchandises all the products in the range. Given its oral care pedigree, retailers such as Sainsbury have also seized the chance to capture new sales by siting Colgate's gum in the oral care section alongside traditional Colgate products such as toothpaste. This fits well with Colgate's conviction that gum is often seen by consumers as an extension of oral care. Mike Chatters, commercial manager Colgate, says: "Recent research found 42% of people regard gum usage as an extension of oral care hygiene and that 36% of all on the go' oral care is now carried out with gum."
Meanwhile, in bubblegum, Zed Candy creates branded display outers for each of its bubblegum products aimed primarily at independents. Each carton is decorated with different characters designed for youth appeal. Adams also has branded, colourful display outers for each of its bubblegum lines but in addition it has created a multi-flavour countertop display unit that it offers free to retailers. Adams says that independent research has shown that the unit increases the rate of sale by 37% over single outers.
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