All sales figures, from Information Resources unless otherwise stated, are for the year ending April 21, 2002. Types of store shown in brackets.
l Hot Beverages Kraft Kenco Purely/Rappor stick packs
Established brands in a stick format aimed at convenience and trial.
Launched: March 2001 (Rappor), July 2001 (Purely)
Sales: Rappor £1m (1.2 million packs) and Purely £0.5m (0.35 million packs) [Kraft's own figures]
Isolating sales figures for the stick format has proved difficult but Kraft says it is pleased with the range's "steady growth".
l Cakes Nestlé's Smarties Celebration Cakes
Nestlé's stalwart confectionery brand in cake format
Launched: October 2001
Sales: £912,000 (Nestlé's own figures)
As kids' birthday cakes always used to be decorated with Smarties anyway, the brand was an obvious choice to cross over.
l Canned goods International Fish Canners' Scofish
A range of canned fish in luxury sauces
Launched: Oct '99/Nov '00
Sales: £0.25m (multiples)
This was never going to rival tuna in the canned fish stakes but listings, distribution and sales are growing steadily.
l Household Domestos WC Activ Mousse
Brand-leading bleach in a mousse format for those too scared to look under the toilet rim
Launched: March 20001
Sales: £2.5m (multiples and chemists)
A big brand name have given this the edge over other added value performers in this new sector.
l Paper Kimberly-Clark's Andrex Aloe Vera
A version of the brand leader
Launched: September 2001
Sales: £5.7m (multiples and chemists)
Kimberly-Clark has recorded sales of £10m for a pioneer in the sector. Sainsbury has followed with a me-too' product.
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