I suppose I should be grateful. Several multiple PR executives, plus a couple of battle scarred, retired supermarket spin doctors, individually called me this week to support our call for a united grocery front against misinformed media folk and politicians.
Trouble is, contrary to their usual practice, all but one of them refused to go on the record. And therein lies the problem. For several whispered privately that although their public faces might suggest a high degree of cordiality between the major chains on common issues, the real story is very different.
As one put it: "Behind the public smiles there's considerable hostility. It can't be any other way. We're each paid to ensure our company becomes top dog." A predictable reaction, given the competition in today's market.
However, it was at least encouraging to hear that IGD's controversial report which reveals that consumers still have an exaggerated view of the size of the profits made in food and grocery, thus clinging to the myth of Rip-off Britain, has set the industry talking.
But given, any day now, we will be told the terms of reference of an independent commission to look into food and farming, it's important the industry does more than talk. For you don't need a crystal ball to realise that as soon as the probe is under way a series of crackpot, unofficial sub-inquiries' will surface, throwing the industry firmly under a critical media spotlight once again however strict the commission's agenda.
So, given that scenario, it will be interesting to see which of the big groups will be brave enough to back what IGD's Consumer Watch calls a "co-ordinated effort" across the chain to make consumer friendly information available on how food is produced, costs are incorporated, and how profits are made and used to offer more benefits to consumers.
No one is suggesting that the trade's strong spirit of competition should be put at risk. But a co-ordinated campaign is required soon. And on this issue the big PR guns must, for once, fire a united salvo.
Clive Beddall, Editor
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