Food price inflation surged to 5.3% in the 12 months to mid-May, up from 3.7% in April. The government's latest RPI figures also showed the headline rate for all items rising from 1.8% to 2.1%.
The main reason was a 24.5% upturn in seasonal food. Planting and harvesting have been hit by poor weather, resulting in fewer potatoes and other vegetables. Lettuce prices have rocketed.
In the four weeks from mid-April to mid-May, fresh potatoes rose 21% and other fresh veg 28%. Non-seasonal foods rose less strongly, recording a 2% rise year-on-year. A year ago prices were still falling by 2% after nearly a year of deflation.
Imported lamb, poultry and processed fish gained 3% in the four-week period while bread, biscuits, cake, cheese, frozen pizzas, cook-in sauces and mayonnaise all gained 1%. Fresh milk went up again rising 5.5% since January.
Further price increases are in the pipeline as a result of tight raw material supplies. The input cost index for food manufacturers' home-produced raw materials rose 9% in the year to May, while wages deals have also come in ahead of inflation.
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