Elida Fabergé is pumping £7m into the May relaunch of Impulse ­ its biggest spend yet for the brand ­ to emphasise and differentiate bodysprays' benefits and identity. The relaunch, which features new spray technology and packaging, stars two new fragrances under an Impulse Oxygen sub brand ­ Sci and Air. They come in blue, silver and white packs with bubble designs and replace the Free Spirit fragrance, leaving seven in the main range. A £4m TV campaign begins in June with a commercial which emphasises the products' proposition of all over body freshness and coolness. Further advertising bursts in July and August focus on the Impulse Oxygen sprays. The campaign, targeted at 19 to 24 year olds, also includes radio, posters, press advertising and sampling. Rsp: Impulse Oxygen Sci and Air: £2.19 for 75ml. {{P&P }}