May 15
CM Cosmopolitan
June issue carries 16 page male centrefolds, plus the chance to win a Peugeot 206LX
CM Esquire
June issue carries an exclusive interview with David Beckham, and carries a walleted June issue of the newly launched Esquire Sport Quarterly
B Golf World
June issue carries an instruction supplement
B Mojo
June issue scratch off cover
On sale
May 16
B Best
Issue coverdated May 23 carries a must read' holiday report
O Knave Fetish
£3.25, special A4, 124 pages, SoR, print run 70,000 copies, on sale eight weeks until July 11, Blackhorse
CM Real Health & Beauty
June/July beauty gift
£ Twist (Import)
£2.25 from June issue
On sale
May 17
B BBC Good Food
June issue bagged Celebrity supplement
£ Big Time
£1.35 from Issue no 91
June issue, Board game
CM Girl Talk
Issue os today, hairband
CM Noddy
June issue, magnet letters
L, PW Porcelain Dolls
Partwork launching in Scotland, and Ireland, Granada, Border, Tyne Tees and Yorkshire TV regions; fortnightly, Part 1 £1.99, and £4.99 for subsequent issues. £1.6m promotional campaign including TV and radio advertising and direct mail
CM Smash Hits
Issue on sale May 17, CD and paper gift
£ This England
£3.75 from summer issue
On sale
May 18
CM Black Beauty & Hair
June/July, nail file
CM Charity Wordsearch Special
Summer issue, pen
SP Computeractive Web Guide
Coverdated no 3/spring, £4.99, off sale July 13, MarketForce
O Country Life Specials 2000 Country Life Gardens £3.95 on sale for eight weeks, MarketForce
£ Extreme
£2.99 from June issue
SP Football Collector
Football special, £2.95, MarketForce
L Funland Favourites
£1.75, am, issue no 1, MarketForce, new comic
CM Funtime Peel & Play
June issue, peel & play stickers
CM Garden News
Issue os May 18, seeds
B Hairstyles Only
June/July Summer Styles seasonal special
CM Improve Your Coarse Fishing
June issue, Towel with clip
CM Internet June issue, CD
L, CM The Internet Explained
Launch issue os today, 99p, am, SoR, CM CD. It will initially be published alternate months with a print run of 80,000 copies
B Jumbo Cross
Issues no 184 and 185 will combine to become a double issue, priced £2.50
CM Katie!
June issue, Fashion hair clips
CM Large Print Crosswords
No 89 carries a cash prize competition
CM Mix Mag
June issue, CD
L My Best Friend
Issue no 1, £1.60, m, new comic, MarketForce
CM New Stitches
No 86 bagged A2 cross stitch chart with designs
L PC Gameplay
£4.99, m, computing title cover dated June 2000, MarketForce
CM Searchword Monthly
Issue no 57 CM pen
B Starburst Special
No 44 is a bumper summer issue
CM Writers' Forum
June/July issue carries a £3,000 short story competition
On sale
May 19
May 20
CLO Aquarium Fish (Import)
June issue will be last issue to be published
B Arthritis News
June/July issue eight page supplement covering some lesser known types of arthritis
B Black Hair
June/July summer styles seasonal special
£ Classic Ford
£2.95 from June issue
CM Cottage Garden
June issue, seed dibber
CM DJ Magazine
V2 no 65, CD
£ Dazed & Confused
£2.95 from issue no 66
B The English Garden
June issue outsert flap offering discount on gardening tools/hardware
B The English Home
June/July banded 32p supplement on English gardens
£ Fly Fishing & Fly Tying
£2.50 from June issue
£ Hairdo Ideas (Import)
£2.25 from issue dated 2000
£ J-14 (Import)
£2.25 from June issue
CM Match
Issue os May 20 Merlin album
CM Nintendo
June issue, Pokémon cards
CM Pilot
June issue, Transair catalogue
CM, P Shout
Issue no 189, wire bead bracelet plus national press publicity
£ Vintage Roadscene
£2.40 from June/Aug issue
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