Table sauces, pickles and condiments
by Gareth Hammond, account manager, ACNielsen
Total value of the table sauces, pickles and condiments market is now worth £530m a year for grocers.
Tomato sauce is the biggest segment but, unlike most other sectors, it has been in decline during the last year.
There are a number of seasonal variations in sales of table sauces. All types pick up sales during the Christmas period, however. Tomato sauces have the smallest increase, and condiment sauces the largest.
Likewise, summer sees another peak in sales, notably for salad related and barbecue sauces.
Overall, the best growth segments are other thick' which includes BBQ, Hollandaise, chilli, salad dressing and salad cream, despite the poor summer hitting sales.
Value of the sub sectors
By value - year to 12 August 2000
£K % change
Total table sauces 530,282 5.1
Sweet pickle & chutney 61,624 -1.4
Pickled veg 80,262 5.5
Tomato ketchup 82,706 -3.9
Brown/fruity sauce 39,251 8.1
Other thick sauces 16,497 16.8
Condiment sauces 77,702 8.5
Thin sauces 24,706 9.5
Mayonnaise 69,511 5.2
Salad cream 41,154 11.9
Salad dressing 36,869 13.4
Source: ACNielsen RMS
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