Sometimes the best thing to do when you're stuck in a situation that you're not happy with is just quit - at least for the day. You can always pick it up again tomorrow
I remember when I was a student I had a series of temp jobs. I hated every one of them, but grudgingly did them dutifully as the cash came in handy. The best feeling I can remember from that time was on the days I just quit.
I remember one particular job that I quit because it was sunny. OK, I didn't really quit because it was sunny. I quit because it was a terrible job and the canned traditional Scottish music was driving me mad. But one day I woke up, the sun was shining (that doesn't happen much in Scotland) and I just couldn't face eight hours working inside a woollen mill. So I quit. I didn't call in sick, I just quit. I have never felt such relief. It was only when I quit that I realised just how much I hated it.
I'm sure something similar has happened to you. Do you remember the feeling of relief at knowing that you didn't ever have to do that thing ever again? It might be your last day at school, the day you left your old job or broke up from a bad relationship. It can feel so good just to know that you don't have to do it anymore.
Now, I feel I should point out that I am not a quitter. I will stick at things and see them through with the best of them, but I have learned this cool little technique to keep me sane and get a sense of perspective on situations that I'm not happy with or sure about.
When I find myself in a situation I'm not happy with, I just quit for the day. You can always pick up the task again the next day if you want to, but for today just quit.
You'll get an amazing sense of relief at how good that feels, when you're able to get out of the heat and get a different perspective. If you're up to your neck in it, chances are you're feeling bad and you'll be making bad decisions anyway. Feelings are our body's way of allowing us to gauge the quality of our thinking. Bad feelings equal bad thinking.
So take the chance - and quit!
Pick something where you feel out of your depth in hot water. Write it down. Now, just take a moment to write your resignation from that situation right now.
It's only from the outside that you can see clearly. It's only once you are out of the situation that you can see it for what it is - good or bad.
Imagine yourself as an artist painting on the canvas of your life. Sometimes it's a good idea to step back and get a sense of perspective on what you've been creating. That way when you go back to paint again you know what still needs attention. To put it simply, analyse from the outside in and change from the inside out.
Are you thinking about things differently now? What are the simplest things that are within your influence that you can change easily right now?
Happy quitting!n
Ali Campbell is a life coach and NLP master
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