The anticipated growth is expected to be driven primarily by sweet snacks. In this domain, confectionery choices have always been well represented but consumer needs have grown. As a result, broader product choices in sweet snacks are now finding a market ­ particularly in the baked and chilled sectors of the market. Hazel Cawthorne Manor Bakeries category manager explains: "Baked sweet snacks are products produced through the baking process, designed for individual consumption out of home or on the move. "The positive values integral to baking differentiate these products from other sweet snacks and are sought by consumers to satisfy a specific need for something different, better for you to chocolate and crisps and more filling than other sweet snacks' (source: Oxford Research 1999)." As a result, Manor Bakeries believe baked sweet snacks are perceived as more permissible and good to consume with a drink or other food ­ as well as being convenient for consumption out of home. "Snack cakes possess all the above benefits in addition to unique points of difference that drive demand. Consumers see that cake is more emotionally involving, more interesting to eat and give a greater feeling of happiness. "Essentially, if snack cake products are not available and consumers can't find what they want as part of their sweet snack choice, they either won't buy or they will delay their snack purchase until another occasion." According to Manor Bakeries, retailers should consider snack cakes as a vital part of their impulse offering: "They generate higher cash profit than other snacks, incremental category growth ­ meet all snack needs and sales from link purchases with lunch and drinks." It is a well-known fact that just 20% of the 500 snack brands on the market account for 80% of the value. Retailers therefore need to be wary of too many brands cluttering their shelves. Cawthorne is convinced that: "Innovation is needed to develop the snack cake market and retailers should always make space for innovation within any category. But to be a success a new launch should be well thought through and supported by strong brands." As established players, with Mr Kipling and Cadbury's Cakes, Manor Bakeries know the cake consumer very well. "Manor recognises that snack cake is different and has invested heavily in learning about the snacking consumer." Shoppers buying snacks spend less than ten seconds at the fixture selecting their choices and up to 90% of purchases are spontaneous. This, Cawthorne believes is a key factor: "Therefore the main purchase drivers are brand impact and point of purchase display. Visual impact, appeal and availability are key to initiating purchase. Snack products have to be clearly signposted and within easy reach." Manor Bakeries believe that consumers use snack cakes for two main purposes ­ as a solus snack or as the dessert component of a meal. "Usually one of these will pre-dominate depending upon factors such as the outlet location, channel or time of day," explains Cawthorne."Understanding these factors will ensure that snack solutions are available and attractive to purchasers. Offering the right solution for shoppers in the right area of the store and getting people to trial the product is key to generating sales from snack cakes." Finally, Manor Bakeries offer the following guidelines to maximise sales: "As space is limited, look to sell big brands without duplicating product types. Focus on efficient, best-selling flavour variants only. Impulse purchase, range impact and lack of clutter is key. "In convenience stores, sweet snacks should be sited in or around the chillers alongside sandwiches; near other impulse purchase lines; adjacent to space for single serve snack items such as canned drinks and crisps and in snack traffic flow." Above all, Cawthorne has this message for retailers: "Watch out! Snack cake is set to continue its growth. With continued investment from major brands such as Mr Kipling and Cadbury, bringing much needed support and category know-how, retailers need to make sure that they give the sector the attention it deserves." {{Z SUPPLEMENTS }}