What dream food product would you like to sell that they don't make? Hangover-free alcohol.
How did you celebrate the millennium?
With an intimate group of friends and lots of alcohol.
Should petrol stations be allowed to sell alcohol?
Only if it is done responsibly.
Have you ever seen a ghost? Not when sober!
What are you nostalgic for? Sydney. I'm from Australia.
Do you often flirt with death?
I'm doing skydiving next month and I've done bungee jumps. I love adrenaline.
What really frightens you? Snakes. I can't stand them and can't even watch them on television.
Farmers victims or villains? Definitely victims.
Is Sainsbury's village shop initiative a good thing?
Yes. We have things like that in Australia and it keeps the corner shops honest.
Do you think internet shopping will be a hit or a miss? It's definitely the way forward. But traditional retailers will still have a vital role to play.
If you could change your shop in any way what would you change? I'd like a bigger bar.
Which delicacy sells best in your cafe? Langoustines.
What is the most adventurous holiday you have ever had? When I rode a motorcycle up the east coast of Australia.
What was your dream profession as a child?
Marine biologist. I spent a lot of my childhood at the beach and in the sea.
Are you frivolous with money or do you keep a tight hold on the purse strings? I'm frivolous with my own money. You can't take it with you.
What is the most outrageous fancy dress costume you have ever worn? Dame Edna Everage.
What is the most prized possession you cannot leave home without?
I never leave without my business cards. You never know when an opportunity will arise. But they are not my most prized possession. I don't have one.
Will you be doing a spin on the London Eye?
Yes when it is safe!
The success of which product you sell do you find inexplicable?
Everything at Parisa Café Bar is of the highest standard so nothing we sell is inexplicable.
Have you ever met anyone famous?
I met Billy Connolly outside the Sydney Opera House. We've also had a lot of the Yorkshire cricketers in here, such as Greg Blewett and Darren Gough. I've also met Peter Stringfellow, but I'm not sure if that's a claim to fame.
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