Pasta Reale aims to stir up demand in the fresh pasta fixture with the launch of its new organic range. The new products include two organic pastas (cream cheese and basil tortelloni, and tagliatelle egg, basil and tomato) and two organic sauces (tomato and basil, and mediterranean vegetables). Accredited by the Soil Association, the ingredients are 100% organic. Organic' also features large on the packaging to differentiate it from other Pasta Reale products. Product manager Jane Metcalfe said: "We did not want the niche type of organic packaging that appeals only to destination organic shoppers. "The organic sector is growing and becoming more mainstream, and we want to appeal to new and current fresh pasta users so we can grow the whole category." Take up has been positive from retailers, and the organic range should reach the major multiples' shelves by the first week of March. Pasta Reale is aiming for dual positioning in supermarkets' organic sections as well as in their main fresh pasta fixtures. Rsps: organic sauces £2.09, organic tagliatelle £1.39, organic tortelloni £2.49. The company is also launching two additions to its range of Italian style pasta sauces. The lines are tomato and mascarpone and fiorentina (spinach and parmesan in a creamy sauce). Rsp is £1.69. Pasta Reale says the UK's fresh pasta and sauces market is worth £115m. {{P&P }}