David Cherrie, marketing manager at Symington's, on Hush Puppies, flying and Dawn French

What did you want to be when you were a kid? For some strange reason, I wanted to be a lawyer. It seemed like a high-flying sort of career. However, having since worked with lawyers, I have discovered that you cannot get a clear answer on anything. They always sit on the fence!

What was your first-ever job? Working in the Hush Puppies shop. Part of my job involved dressing up as the Hush Puppie dog and walking around town in the costume to encourage parents to come and get their kids' feet measured and shoes fitted.

What was your worst job interview? When the interviewer didn't allow me to reply or even show any interest in what I had to say. They just kept talking over me. There was no way I could have worked for this person. I called an end to the interview and left.

How do you describe your job to your mates? I create new product ideas, launch them and advertise them in a way that makes people want something they didn't know they needed or knew existed.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? The ability to be entrepreneurial. I can treat the areas I look after like my own small business. This gives me the freedom to be innovative and creative to get the best results.

If you didn't work in grocery where would you work? An airline pilot. I've always loved planes and think it would be the best job in the world, combining my love of flying with my love of travelling.

If you could change one thing in grocery what would it be? I think 'true' NPD should be given time to build and succeed in store. All too often great new products are not given long enough to establish themselves in store.

Where do you hope to be in five years? I would like to be either living abroad or working in a senior international marketing role. I speak three languages and would like to be able to put these to use.

Which celebrity would you pick to join your staff? Dawn French. She would keep me entertained all day long.

What's your best interview tip? My advice would be, to be yourself let prospective employers see the 'real' you. Be open, honest and treat the interview as a two-way process. It is just as important for you to decide whether you like them.

What's the weirdest thing you've eaten? I was recently in China and ate some very strange things, which included chicken feet, bone marrow, goose intestine and hairy crab.
