Will King, founder of King of Shaves, on yachts, designing yachts, sailing yachts, razors... and yachts

What was your first-ever job? Teaching sailing at the National Sailing Centre, Cowes (now the UKSA).

You've got 25 words to describe your career to date. Selling. Firstly ads for Marketing magazine, then corporate conferences and events, then tens of millions of King of Shaves products to men and women, worldwide.

What is the worst job you've ever had? Painting a house in my gap year.

If you didn't work in grocery where would you work? Yacht design partnership.

What's your interview tip? Preparation and enthusiasm.

What was your worst job interview? Haven't had one.

If you could change one thing in the industry what would it be? Improve strategic relationships and communication with buyers and decision-makers for smaller, growing companies.

Where do you hope to be in five years? Shaving in space with my Azor, aboard Virgin Galactic (or aboard a yacht see below!)

If you were allowed one dream perk what would it be? A week on the world's coolest yacht, the Perini Navi-built Maltese Falcon.

What is your motto in life? Enthuse, exceed, enjoy!

What do you like to do outside work? Sail. Spend time with my 10-year-old son.

What's your nickname? Tigger.

What was the first music single you bought? Planet Earth, Duran Duran.

What's your favourite movie? The Thomas Crown Affair (Pierce Brosnan version).

What has been the most embarrassing moment in your life? Standing up to deliver a presentation to my class when studying my mechanical engineering degree, which I hadn't prepared for, and drying up after a minute. Sends shivers down my spine to this day.

Do you have any phobias? Apprehensive of heights (but not at the top of a yacht's mast in a bosun's chair).

Which celebrity would you pick to join your staff? Steve Jobs or Simon Cowell - both the best at what they do.

What would be your final meal? Salt & pepper prawns at Villa d'Este, Marlow.

What's the weirdest thing you've eaten? Sea urchin when in Japan. Served in a football-sized ice ball.

What luxury would you have on your desert island? A CAD package running on my MacBook Air (or Tablet) so I could design yachts (and razors!)

What animal best reflects your personality? Tigger - enthusiastic, bouncy, friendly, fun and a bit maverick.
