Beleaguered cider maker Bulmers is claiming a happy start to 2003 after posting what the company says are its “best ever” Christmas cider sales.
It said that figures from Scantrack, which audited multiple retailers in the six weeks to December 14, showed an 11% increase on the previous year.
The gain was largely down to a strong performance from category captain Strongbow which, according to ACNielsen, boasts a £72m share of the £265m cider take-home market.
It signals a more promising start to the coming 12 months following much publicised problems at the Hereford firm.
The Grocer reported last year how the company had been forced to abandon NPD projects and shelve marginal brands following a shortfall in its accounts.
Spokesman George Thomas said: “It is nice to have some good news. Our sales were strong right up until Christmas.
“The only problem we had this year was, once again, out of stocks, which is always very frustrating. People want the brand leaders at Christmas.”