Diageo is pumping £3m into marketing Smirnoff vodka in a bid to set it apart from rival brands. Marking a return to the vodka’s Russian heritage, the campaign, entitled ‘Not the Usual’, kicked off this week with a new TV ad shot in Moscow.
‘Baker’, the first in a series of creatives, follows an undercover spy carrying a microfilm as she tries to escape from a group of guards. Other archetypal Russian imagery includes a snow-filled street and nesting dolls.
Philip Gladman, marketing director for Smirnoff at Diageo, said: “We believe that the best way to deliver further growth for Smirnoff is to focus on the difference between Smirnoff and other vodkas. The distinctive new packaging reinforces
Smirnoff’s premium status and quality. Now this new ad campaign will focus on some of Smirnoff’s attributes which make it superior to other vodkas.”