The Deli Society quiz

Source: The Deli Society

The Deli Society’s new website features proprietary AI tech called Olive

DTC food and drink retailer The Deli Society has rolled out technology that promises to match products to a shopper’s tastes.

The business – which offers goods from artisan producers across the UK and Europe – has launched a new website that features proprietary AI tech called Olive. It would offer “a level of personalisation and customisation that can only be matched by an artisan butcher, cheesemonger or sommelier”, The Deli Society said.

Users are asked to join the retailer’s new membership scheme and complete a short ‘palate quiz’. Olive then suggests items they’ll enjoy based on their answers.

Members of the scheme also receive rewards and access to tiered pricing. Membership also gives consumers access to exclusive products, new artisanal lines, and content from chefs and farmers.

While the new scheme would be a focus for The Deli Society, it would continue to offer its current wine, cheese, and charcuterie subscriptions, it said. Using the technology behind Olive, the subscription service offers Perfectly Paired Bundles with a choice of two menu options each month.

“We hope these developments, including the introduction of Olive, will enable foodies to explore and discover high-quality, sustainable and exclusive products direct from our artisan producers and partners,” said The Deli Society co-founder Harry Higginson.

His brother and co-founder Josh Higginson added that the retailer’s online overhaul would “allow our members to continue to explore, discover, cook, eat and drink products they love – all while supporting small, sustainable artisan producers.

“We’re all about creating a community that supports the good guys making things the right way.”