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“We recognise the valuable contribution the organisation continues to make in increasing awareness of the UK food and drink industry”, said Kraft Heinz

A flood of companies have been signing up to the Food & Drink Federation on the back of uncertainty over the Brexit crisis, it said today, after unveiling food giant Kraft Heinz as its latest member.

The organisation said it had seen an upsurge in recent subscriptions, with Kraft Heinz joining more than 300 other food and drink manufacturers already in the FDF.

“Kraft Heinz is very pleased to have joined FDF’s membership,” said Kraft Heinz corporate affairs director Nigel Dickie. “We recognise the valuable contribution the organisation continues to make in increasing awareness of the UK food and drink industry, which is particularly important at a time of such unprecedented uncertainty.

“We look forward to working with FDF and fellow members to address the key challenges facing our industry.”

FDF chief executive Ian Wright added: “We are thrilled to welcome Kraft Heinz into our membership. At this time more than ever, it is important for our industry to work together to make our value understood and our voice heard. We look forward to welcoming Kraft Heinz into our various member committees and forums.”