Suzy Bashford
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Focus On Personal Care: Tipping point for personal care
Personal care shoppers have long flashed the cash, but will they stop spending now that suppliers have opted to pull the plug on deep discounts? Suzy Bashford reports
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Top of the Flops: When entertainment exclusives go bad
Tesco’s Coronation Street album is just the latest embarrassing flop for the retailer, so why is it persevering with its entertainment exclusives, asks Suzy Bashford
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Breaking the sound barrier
A blast of Bizet in the French wine aisle and even birdsong in the loo... it all adds up to a more satisfying customer experience – and enhanced sales, says Suzy Bashford
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Focus On Frozen Food: Promos put a freeze on value
Manufacturers and retailers have been slashing prices and promoting hard to entice shoppers to the freezers. But is this just driving value out of the sector, asks Suzy Bashford
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Focus On Ice Cream: David and Goliath
When a huge multinational owns many of the big ice cream brands, what can small players do to compete with its scale and marketing budgets, asks Suzy Bashford