Nearly 90% of shoppers observed had intended to buy from the display. Those who had not were reminded to do so when they saw the products in the aisle.

Own label was dominant - bought by two thirds of the shoppers. A few of those who bought brands thought the display contained too many own label products and wanted more emphasis on branded. However, 42% do not always buy the same brand and this group tended to vary their choices so they did not grow bored.

Taste was the key factor for 26% who cited it as the reason for their purchase of a particular juice. However, 46% were open to considering other labels. A special offer attracted the attention of some shoppers while a couple tried a new variant of cranberry juice which they had seen on previous visits to the fixture.

The level of trial in this category is low, possibly because the display lacks excitement through point of purchase material.

It looks like a commodity category and shoppers are behaving in a grab-and-go manner rather than exploring products and variants and buying incrementally. The dominance of own label may obscure some of the brands from the shoppers’ vision.

Nearly a quarter of all shoppers said that nothing would make them consider trying a new brand while 26% said they would consider it as a result of a promotion.

Another 26% said they would try a new brand if it were tastier and 11% would switch if the juice had different ingredients, for example less sugar. Only 4% said they were influenced by television adverts.

Ambient juices is one of the most frequently purchased categories we have covered in this research. The vast majority of shoppers were buying every time they came into the store, with more than three quarters buying ambient juice once a week or more.
Shoppers were in no doubt that they would switch and buy another brand if the one they wanted was out of stock. Those who said they would leave it until next time tended to be those who bought the more specialist juices.
Two thirds of shoppers were open to offers although the brand purchasers were less willing to entertain the idea, appearing reasonably loyal to the products they liked.
Overall, the shoppers thought the display met their needs and enabled them to find their products reasonably quickly and with the minimum of effort. A quarter thought the choice was good, although 11% said it was poor. Untidy and poorly stacked fixtures were mentioned by 17%.
The similarity of the packs makes it difficult to create any differentiation in the display.
We observed that the week’s hot weather drew a number of shoppers to the chilled juices fixture. However, when they reached the ambient section they noticed the price differential and took the chilled product out of their basket and bought an ambient juice instead.
Packs of four proved too heavy for shoppers easily to take off the shelf and place in their trolleys. Because the juices are to the back of the store, the trolleys are full so shoppers were forced to move things around to avoid other items being crushed.