Scottish wholesaler JW Filshill plans to expand its business into England for the first time. The wholesaler, which runs a delivered wholesale and cash & carry business from a single depot in Glasgow, is planning to expand across the border within the next few weeks.

Two sales representatives would be coming on board in the next fortnight to develop its delivered offer in England, said JW Filshill managing director Ronald Hannah. However, it would not be developing its KeyStore symbol group fascia south of the border because wholesalers Booker and Palmer & Harvey McLane held the licence for the fascia in England.

Booker, P&H and JW Filshill were left to develop the fascia following the demise of Key Lekkerland, which saw all its independent members except JW Filshill bought by Booker and P&H. Although both P&H and Booker continue to supply KeyStores in the Somerset and Kent areas, JW Filshill has had the most success with the chain. It currently serves 161 stores across Scotland and opened four new KeyStores last week. Meanwhile, the winding up of Key Lekkerland was almost complete, according to Key Lekkerland MD John Liptrot.

Outstanding debts were being collected and the financial and legal formalities were being completed, he said, adding that all Key Lekkerland staff had now left the business.