The supermarkets have done it again. Despite the volume of deals putting the squeeze on stores' featured promotional space, retailers have managed to fit yet more high-profile offers onto their shelves.

The total number of promotions was up 5.1% month-on-month and 14.7% year-on-year to hit a total of 8,291 in the past four weeks [Assosia 4w/e 21 August 2009], though the overall average discount which this time last year stood at 32.8% fell from 34.3% in July to 31.8% this month.

Branded and own-label products grew at the same rate month-on-month, ending a three-month run of own-label promotions increasing their featured space profile. However, year-on-year figures show the growth of own-label deals is nearly three times the level of branded products.

One brand that has been keeping busy is Kellogg's, which notched its ongoing summer promotional drive up a gear this month and became the top promoter slot, with 153 deals.

But there was a sharp drop in promotions by Coca-Cola, which cut its total deals in all major retailers except Tesco, which accounted for 49 of Coca-Cola's 122 promotions in August. Coca-Cola's overall activity was down by 31.1% since July.

Other manufacturers also targeted promotional activity in certain retailers. Fourth-ranking Nestlé focused 83 of its 114 deals on Asda and Sainsbury's, while Morrisons accounted for almost half of the 79 deals on Hardys this month.

Cadbury had the largest month-on-month fall in promotions of the top 10 brands, as its early summer promotional drive drew to a close. Cadbury was also one of only two brands to have less activity than this time last year, with 19% fewer deals than in August 2008.

McVitie's was the other brand with a year-on-year drop in promotions.

Rival biscuit brand Fox's, however, was this month's highest climber after launching an in-store campaign in the wake of the Vinnie the panda ad campaign. Fox's jumped from 21st to eighth place after increasing its number of deals by 69% since July in a campaign heavily slanted towards Morrisons, which had 43 of Fox's 83 offers.

The typical savings on Fox's deals slipped more than any other this month, dropping from 49.1% last month to 40.7% this time but this remained the second most generous saving in the top 10. Six of the top 10 brands reduced their typical saving this month, while the typical overall saving on both branded and own-label fell.