- Yellow fats are consumed at nine billion household meal occasions in a year
- Since 1998, consumption of yellow fats in the home has declined by 5%
- However this decline has not occurred across all yellow fat sectors, with olive and functional varieties showing an increase in consumption
- Adults aged 45+ have driven the rise in alternative spreads, with 63% of all olive spreads consumed by them
- Children and younger adults are more likely to consume margarine and dairy spreads than butter
- Young female consumption is in decline as they are more likely to consume host products such as bread without a yellow fat
- 40% is consumed at the breakfast occasion, although consumption is in decline due to the increase of skipped breakfasts and the trend towards less complex breakfasts
- 84% of yellow fats are consumed with bread, of which 34% is with toast, while 9% is consumed with rolls, and 6% consumed with morning goods
- The in-home lunch occasion is also key with 29% of yellow fats being consumed