Sir; I was interested to read that the Soil Association is looking into food miles ('This week's hot topic,' The Grocer, 2 June, p3) and that the Carbon Trust is closer to agreeing a common carbon footprint labelling standard ('Trust's plan eases carbon label fears', The Grocer, 2 June, p7). Both these stories attracted interest at Tangerine because, following investigation of our ingredient requirements, including carbon footprints and our food miles, we have decided not to switch to Fairtrade ingredients. From a consumer perspective, the status of the Fairtrade label is fairly clear when it comes to natural products such as bananas or coffee. But we believe the consumer is much more confused when it comes to manufactured products, such as those made by Tangerine Confectionery. Fairtrade rules state that a manufactured (or 'composite') product must contain at least 50% Fairtrade ingredients to gain accreditation from the Fairtrade Labelling Organisation - or that a 'significant ingredient', representing at least 20% of the finished product must be Fairtrade (for example, orange in orange juice). Our key ingredients of sugar and glucose can be sourced just as easily from UK producers. Sugar supplies are available here in the UK in far greater quantities than the Fairtrade alternative, and buying British means it travels fewer air miles . With other ingredients, such as gelatine and coconut, no Fairtrade alternative is currently available. No one would disagree with the principle of giving producers in the developing world a fair deal - and we certainly support the objectives of the Fairtrade movement. But where a UK company's main ingredients can be sourced locally, with less environmental impact, and where no Fairtrade Labelling Organisation standard for a product exists, it makes little or no sense to go down the Fairtrade route.