Weetabix is finally to put its biggest brand’s name to a cereal bar. The fruit-filled Weetabix Chunkyfruit Bars, which contain real fruit pieces and a traditional-style home-baked crust, come in four varieties - apple, strawberry, blackcurrant & apple and cherry - and will be
available as single bars (rsp: 35p) or in multipacks of six (rsp: £1.49).
And Weetabix is predicting that it will sell 50 million Chunkyfruit bars within the first year and claim a 5% share of the cereal bars market.
Weetabix first entered the cereal bars market in May 2002 with the launch of Alpen bars, which it claims is now the number three brand in the market with sales of £14.3m, and followed this up with the launch of a Weetos bar in April last year.
“We are really excited to add this new cereal bar range to our portfolio,” said Weetabix sales director Trevor Hart.
“We are positioning the bar as a tasty snack, with the reassurance of real fruit, backed by the quality endorsement of the breakfast cereal brand.
“With more people eating on-the-go, and mums looking for a healthier lunchbox alternative, Weetabix Chunkyfruit Bars offer a great snacking option.”
The newcomers will be supported by an integrated marketing campaign to include television, outdoor advertising, sampling and money off next purchase coupons.
Sean McAllister