An increase in the average price seems to be the driving force behind the growth in the wrapped bread sector over the past year, with growth at 2% in a market worth more than £1bn. In volume, the market has declined 4%. Plant bread has been showing growth of 3% while instore bakery is now in value decline of 4%. The growth of plant bread has been driven by the top three brands in the marketplace, Hovis, Kingsmill and Warburtons. New products such as Hovis Best of Both and Kingsmill Whole White have driven this growth, while the product lines remain focused on consumer needs. Of the top retailers, Tesco (5%) and Asda (6%) are in growth, Sainsbury is static and Safeway is declining 7%. Instore bakery is in decline in all these retailers except Sainsbury, where there is growth of 2%. Bread Rolls and Baps The rolls and baps market is worth nearly £620m and is showing growth of 9% in value and 5% in volume. Prices have increased over the year but this hasn't deterred volume growth. Plant rolls and baps dominate the market with almost a 70% share and they are outperforming the instore bakery rolls and baps with 14% value growth. Eighty percent of the rolls and baps sector is own label and value growth in this market is coming from both brands and own label at 9% each. The top four retailers are all showing value growth except Safeway which is static. Morning Goods Worth £440m and up by 3% in value, this market is driven by price with volume static. Instore bakery, which only accounts for 15% of this sector, is in growth at 3% in both value and volume. Own label dominates the morning goods market with 80% share and is performing better than brands, with growth of 4%. Tesco and Sainsbury, the top two retailers for morning goods are both performing well with value growth of 12% and 9% respectively. {{FOCUS SPECIALS }}
