Change is inevitable, as the manager of the 99p Store jokes every time I go in (usually along with some remark about me “putting on a bold front” and being “chest lovely, darlin’”). I am not shopping, I should point out (God forbid), just researching miniaturisation for our rapidly shrinking client base.

Anyway, Karoline (with a K), has embraced this philosophy anew (the change bit, not the personal remarks, she’s always made them, though usually more abusively) despite being previously averse to anything that might affect the ‘P&F way’. Not that anyone can actually define this, though it gets rolled out at pitches as some sort of promise (non-binding) about effectiveness (non-specific).

The reason for this dramatic volte-face is a sudden and unexpected shift in the world order. In other words, Amazon may be opening shops and Ocado has made a profit. That the latter has been achieved after only 15 years of trying is seen by K as a positive, as P&F has yet to come good in twice that time. And delivering stuff in vans is ever so much more complicated than PR.

So in order “to reinvent ourselves for the 21st century” (I know), we’ve gone all Mizkan and are thinking the unthinkable (like launching a Sarson’s balsamic vinegar - so nuts, it might just work). “Nothing is off limits” apparently in our reinvention of the business, though K’s visiting hairdresser, personal trainer (mind, not body) and taxi to work appear to be safe.

Meanwhile, if anyone doubted Mystic Tit’s confident prediction that 2015 is going to be the year of the PR sandwich, here’s the second outbreak in as many weeks: the Anchor cheese sandwich bus. Maybe nothing has changed after all.