David Knibb and Lydia Smith - owners of The Tofoo Co

Source: The Tofoo Co

MD David Knibbs (left) said the business had a great start to the year

The Tofoo Co is set to expand its production capacity by 70% with the addition of a new soy milk cooker.

The cooker, which has been shipped from Japan, will enable the manufacturer to increase turnover from £14m to almost £20m per year by 2021, it said.  It follows a surge in sales this year, spurred by both the high-profile Veganuary campaign and a sharp rise in demand during the coronavirus lockdown.

“We’ve run out of capacity pretty quickly,” said MD David Knibbs. “We had a great start to the year, sales were extremely strong well before the lockdown started and we just had to get some more capacity to meet consumer demand”.