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Many employees lose motivation when they have to start selling without receiving proper training

There are several ways to motivate employees in store. We’ve already talked in this column about happiness at work and contribution, but this time I will focus on six motivation techniques.

Take care of on-boarding. Many employees lose motivation when they have to start selling without receiving proper training. Springfield, a Spanish fashion chain, developed a welcome process that continues for the first three months after an employee starts. This helped to improve motivation and reduce employee turnover.

Give regular feedback. In the daily maelstrom of shops, many employees simply do not know if they are doing their job well. At Capkelenn, we strongly promote feedback and self-appraisal.

Congratulate employees. “What a good sale, I’m impressed.” I have experienced dozens of managers who had “forgotten” for 15 or 20 years the power of congratulation.

Give meaning to the job. It is essential that managers understand the meaning of excellent customer service. It is extremely motivating for the salesman or woman to know that the smile and attitude required of him or her are not a mere caprice of the manager, but a strategic lever that helps building customer loyalty.

Take care of the employee experience. We will take as an example one of our client’s store managers, who has made himself famous to his employees by anticipating their needs. For example, he takes care, in the weekly planning, to free Mark’s afternoon the day his favourite football team plays. Of course, this is not always possible, but the employee values the times his manager takes his preferences into account.

Help employees deal with the customer. I remember this scene: an outraged customer screaming at the salesperson. The store manager intervened immediately in an assertive way. Once the customer was gone, the employee went to thank her for her support. I’ve also witnessed opposite scenes, where the employee was left alone. Motivation, loyalty and employee turnover will of course not be the same in both cases.

These six techniques will ensure employees are fully motivated. And, as you know, motivated employees will strive to offer the best customer experience possible.