food waste

Catering giant Sodexo has produced a report with the aim of tackling food waste across the industry.

The report was compiled following a consultation with industry stakeholders including policymakers, chefs, academics and customers.

It includes recommendations to organisations and government on how food waste can be measured and reduced.

Specific recommendations for organisations include committing to a 50% reduction in food waste by 2030 and using technology to track and minimise waste.

Recommendations to government include creating a dedicated strategy to tackle the issue, as well as extending existing regulations to require public sector suppliers to track and report their food waste.

“As a leading food services provider, we have a responsibility to help combat food waste across our operations, as well as assist others in their goal to reduce carbon emissions,” said Claire Atkins Morris, director of corporate responsibility at Sodexo UK and Ireland.

“Our report shows how food waste reduction must be embraced across the food system if the UK is to meet its climate change commitments.”

The report comes at the beginning of Food Waste Action Week, an initiative by the Wrap which seeks to contribute towards the UN Sustainable Development Goal of halving global food waste by 2030.