How consumers view 'superfoods'

Bill Jordan Chairman, Jordans

Sir;I read with interest the article published in last week's magazine titled 'Superfoods term faces ban by EU' (The Grocer, 19 May, p7). The current Food Standards Agency notes on this legislation do not state the term 'superfoods' will be banned. Instead they state manufacturers need to "consider carefully how consumers will view the claim", which I think is a sensible approach. I agree with the point Catherine Collins alludes to in your article. The term has to be applied sensibly as part of a general recommendation to eat more healthy foods. Above all, it should not be used cynically as just a sales and marketing tool. Ultimately we are all accountable for the purchasing choices consumers make in stores, and these decisions form a very hard reality. It can be difficult to encourage people to eat good quality healthy foods, as many well-intentioned start-ups have discovered. The fact our Superfoods range is worth almost £2m after just eight months' full in-store distribution should be seen as very positive; both in terms of adding value to the industry and the fact people are clearly motivated to buy and eat a good quality, healthy breakfast.